5àsec Lavanderia On-line

by 5asec Franchising



Discover how you can be easier to simplify your life!Thinking on the run day to day, 5àSec developed LAUNDRY ON-LINE, a unique service for those who are always connected and seeking to simplify everyday tasks.Enjoy your day while 5àSec takes care of your clothes.See how simple and quick to use the LAUNDRY ON-LINE!1) Enter your ZIP code or addressDue to its location, we will seek the stores service and exclusivity in LAUNDRY ONLINE nearest you or the address of your choice.2) Place your orderSelect the parts you want in the window washing services. You can choose to spare parts or choose discount packages as Day package the day, or Combo Pack Shirts & Shirts Day, plus the special extra services that only has 5àSec.3) Choose the dateChoose the best date for the 5àSec can collect and deliver your clothes. Comfort without leaving home!4) Pay onlineYou can make online payment, with the speed and security that only 5àSec can offer.